Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 2018

Welcome to the Douglas Family ChickQuest Blog!  I'm Annie, I have a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture/Animal Science from The Ohio State University and I'm a 4-H Advisor in Ohio.  In 2010, our 4-H Club decided to do a group project and chose ChickQuest.  We were one of 4 families who would have incubators at our house and hatch the eggs.  In an effort to keep everyone in our group in the loop of what was happening each day, I chose to blog about it.  We still have one hen in our flock from this hatch! Her name is Oprah.  She's a beautiful friendly Australorp and you can see her at the top of this page.

To start at the beginning of our ChickQuest Blog click here: Day 1 (Monday, May 17, 2010)

Then to move to the next page click on the words, "newer post" at the bottom of each page.