Tuesday September 14, 2010
The chickens have grown and a few went to the Fair. Molly showed the a Leghorn and an Australorp from the ChickQuest hatch.
One of the Leghorn pullets won a blue ribbon at the 2010 Wayne County Fair Open Chicken Show!
The judge commented on her nice body and tail feathers.
The pullets were in separate cages when we first brought them to the Fair. The Leghorn was frantic for a day and then we finally put them together in the same cage. They were MUCH happier together.
Many thanks to all that helped us at our first Chicken Show. Thanks to Laurel for all the advice and help. Thanks to Logan, Theo and Jenny who helped us bathe and prepare the pullets. Thanks to Ann and Logan who helped us choose the best birds to take to the Fair. The Dalton-Kidron Big 4 4-H Club Chicken group is so supportive! Thank you!
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